Thursday 4 April 2013

Automatic android update checker(in App)

Check Android VersionName in market and then Android VersionName in your app, compares. Then pops up a message saying that  an update is available, do you want to download it. Then redirects to playstore.

Extremely easy to use it in your code.

 - Download the following file -

Sorry for the code file removal. We will release a full API with multiple function for developers.
Please wait till the process is completed.
 - Attach(Copy) it to your Project and add package name
 - Put the following code where you want to check for updates

new CheckUpdate().check("com.nashapp.NCERTBooks"(APPID),NCERTBooks.this(Context));

 - Simple pop up message comes and redirects it to your market link when clicked yes.

Mail me at if you have any queries,